Monday, 21 May 2012


Got a treat for you here, loyal readers. Our very first Northenden Past competition. Below are two photographs, but the second one has been altered using my expert Photoshop skills. Your task is spot the differences and there are several :-)

The person who gets all of the differences (and if necessary drawn from a hat) gets a £10 gift voucher from Waterstones.

My decision is final and the winner will be notified via email on the 21st April. Good luck everyone!

Click on picture to increase size


  1. Jean - Church Road22 May 2012 at 10:05

    What a great idea. I've spent the past half hour studying the pictures and have found 5 or 6 differences so far. Any chance you could let us know exactly how many we should be looking for?

  2. Now that would be telling Jean ;-)

    I might reveal exactly how many later, but for now I'll tell you there are at least 10 differences.

  3. I'm way behind, only spotted 4 at the moment. Any chances of the competition being a regular feature? I'm sure some of your readers would be happy to provide some prizes.

  4. George from Northenden22 May 2012 at 11:24

    Peter, Please ignore my first entry. I've just found a couple more differences and have submitted another entry.

  5. Frank (Palatine Road)22 May 2012 at 11:35

    Peter you are a genius and your site is a breath of fresh air. You are a credit Northenden sir!

  6. I don't know how you do it Peter! I love the competition not sure I'll win though. I've found 7 so still more to find. Me and my husband would love to meet you in June. Please let us know know the date as soon as possible. Kelly x

  7. Competitions aren't my thing so I won't be entering but I know lots who will enter and I'm sure you've got lots more goodies lined up for us. I used to live on Palatine Rd, does anyone remember Joan Bletchley as I'd like to get in touch with her ?

  8. Thanks everone for all the positive email feedback on the Blog
