Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Latest News & Thanks

I've been overwhelmed with the many emails I've received since the site was launched yesterday. Thank you to everyone who has got in touch to tell me they are enjoying the site. Unlike other sites this one will be updated regularly.

I've had several requests to add a Guest Book but this is not something that I'll be doing any time soon. Doing so would only leave the site open to abuse as there are too many people who have nothing better to do than cause problems. 

I've just been informed that Northenden now has it's very own £1 Shop. Not sure if this is a good thing or not, especially since Quidds In is just a few shops away. How about something else and I don't mean another bank or bloody burger joint!


  1. Noreen from Lingard Road16 May 2012 at 09:21

    Peter, this is a wonderful site. Keep up the good work.

  2. Hope you will be showing more glorious pictures of Northenden in days gone by.

    Would be interested in seeing a poll on favourite restaurants please. Mine is Kathmandu.


  3. Mary Sellers (nee Johnson)16 May 2012 at 10:14

    Thank you for making this great web site. I like the pictures and local news. Having left Northenden in 1992 I still like hear whats happening these days. Last I heard the Church Inn has closed down. That's where I met my second husband.

  4. Thank you this is just what northenden needs. Keep it up. Sally J.

  5. Thanks for your support everyone. I'm pleased you like what I'm trying to do here. I intend to update the site at least once a week and not every 5 years like some ;-)

    If you have any ideas for particular features you would like to see, please get in touch and I'll see what I can do.

  6. Simon from Northenden16 May 2012 at 19:17

    Hello Peter, I was told about this great little site yesterday by my good friend Sue and just wanted to say thanks for having the idea and putting it all into practice. Our community has been in long need of a blog where we can keep in touch and think back and remember how the village used to be. I wish you every success and will keep checking back for updates. Thank you, Simon

    PS - I think the polls are a great idea and I've already voted for the Post Office !

  7. Fran (now in Stockport)17 May 2012 at 09:10

    This is a great site and congratulations you are getting good feedback, it is very much deserved. I know there is another Northenden site but don't think its updated any more.

    I also like the fact that you have more than just photos, and include opinion polls and news. I used to live on Kenworthy Lane and would like to see old pictures please.
