Monday, 21 May 2012

Moving and Meet the Webmaster!

Thanks again for the ongoing support for this, the premier site about Northenden!

I'm moving house later this week, so updates may not be as regular during this period, but I will try to prepare some "goodies" for you all and update the site via my iPhone. unfortunately I can't guarantee this, but will try my very best.

The good news is, I'm moving a bit closer to Northenden so I'll be able to keep a much closer eye on our glorious village and will be able to release news stories pretty much as and when it happens in future.

But, I've saved the best piece of news for last. I've had countless messages asking if I'd be interested in meeting some of my readers and of course the answer is YES! I'll aim to do some personal appearances over the coming months, certainly during the summer at least. I'm thinking sometime during the first week in June for the first one and we'll see how it goes. Although there will be no charge for this event, I will need to know how many of you are thinking of attending so I have some idea how much space we will need. If it's just a few of you we could probably meet inside the library, but if more of you are interested I am prepared to hire the church hall or similar.

If you are thinking of coming along for a chat and a cuppa, please don't message me here, but send an email to - please be sure to put "Meet the Webmaster" in the subject line.


  1. Carol (Greenpark Road)21 May 2012 at 13:59

    Peter, I've just sent you an email! I'll be coming along for sure and I know a couple of other Northendenites would love to be there too!

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Rob from Northenden21 May 2012 at 14:33

    Hi Peter, At last a local interest site which gets updated and the 'meet the webmaster' sounds like a great idea and my family would love to come along. There will be me, my wife and our two children who are currently doing a local history project at school so it will really be of interest to them. Thanks again, Rob

  3. Peter, I will be there but it all depends what day as I also have night school. John

  4. Steve Oconnor from Stockport21 May 2012 at 15:43

    Great site, nice updates, count me in for the meeting. Steve
