Monday, 4 June 2012

Competition Result

I apologize for the lack of activity during the past week. I've now moved house and still waiting for broadband to be installed. Thank goodness for mobile internet!

I've been overwhelmed by the response to the first competition (nearly 100 entries!) and I'd like to thank everyone for their support.

There were 13 differences in total and 3 people submitted correctly. The one I pulled out of my hat was Mrs G Davies who lives on Royle Green Road. You will receive your Waterstones voucher very soon.

I've also had countless messages regarding my personal appearance in the village. I'm still not able to confirm the exact date, but the end of June looks likely. If you are thinking of attending, please be sure to let me know as soon as you possibly can, as I need to book a suitable venue.

That's all for now, more soon!



  1. Glenda Davies (Royle Green Road)6 June 2012 at 09:10

    Thank you, Peter. That's great news. I've never won anything before and how nice this is about our beloved village.

    I've sent you an email with my address, but wanted to thank you in public.

    You are a star Peter and I would like to meet you during your personal appearance please.

  2. Mrs Davies you are most welcome.I appreciate you taking the time to enter. Due to the bank holiday, I'll be able to post your Waterstones voucher this morning.

    It's looking like I'll need to find a bigger venue for my personal appearance due to the large numbers who have already expressed interest. Unlike other webmasters, I want to meet my viewers and get to know them. I am after all here to serve YOU!

    I contacted the Britannia Airport Hotel yesterday for pricing details, and am expecting a phone call today to confirm. I will let you all know as soon as possible. Please do let me know if you intend to come along. There will be no charge for this and I'll even provide a cup of tea and some goodies!


  3. Fred Tideswell from Wythenshawe6 June 2012 at 16:07

    Hello Peter, It was great to bump into last week after all these years. it looks like I've missed out on this competition but now you have told me about the web site I'll keep checking back for the next one. Thanks Fred

  4. Andrew Cope from Northenden6 June 2012 at 21:03

    Hello Peter, I do hope you get sorted out with your broadband soon and settled into your new house. I know that you had moved out of the area a quite a while ago but are you back in Northenden now ? When is the next competition going to be released ? I cant wait. Great blog, very original, good reader participation, everything we ever wanted, keep up the good work, Andrew Cope
