Monday, 21 May 2012


Got a treat for you here, loyal readers. Our very first Northenden Past competition. Below are two photographs, but the second one has been altered using my expert Photoshop skills. Your task is spot the differences and there are several :-)

The person who gets all of the differences (and if necessary drawn from a hat) gets a £10 gift voucher from Waterstones.

My decision is final and the winner will be notified via email on the 21st April. Good luck everyone!

Click on picture to increase size

Moving and Meet the Webmaster!

Thanks again for the ongoing support for this, the premier site about Northenden!

I'm moving house later this week, so updates may not be as regular during this period, but I will try to prepare some "goodies" for you all and update the site via my iPhone. unfortunately I can't guarantee this, but will try my very best.

The good news is, I'm moving a bit closer to Northenden so I'll be able to keep a much closer eye on our glorious village and will be able to release news stories pretty much as and when it happens in future.

But, I've saved the best piece of news for last. I've had countless messages asking if I'd be interested in meeting some of my readers and of course the answer is YES! I'll aim to do some personal appearances over the coming months, certainly during the summer at least. I'm thinking sometime during the first week in June for the first one and we'll see how it goes. Although there will be no charge for this event, I will need to know how many of you are thinking of attending so I have some idea how much space we will need. If it's just a few of you we could probably meet inside the library, but if more of you are interested I am prepared to hire the church hall or similar.

If you are thinking of coming along for a chat and a cuppa, please don't message me here, but send an email to - please be sure to put "Meet the Webmaster" in the subject line.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

New Poll Coming Soon

I've had a few messages regarding the poll regarding favourite shops in the village and some suggestions for future polls. I'll be running a new one next week on peoples favourite takeaway in Northenden.

The only problem is, there are so many. Please let me know which ones you'd like me to include in the poll and I'll compile a short list.

Latest News & Thanks

I've been overwhelmed with the many emails I've received since the site was launched yesterday. Thank you to everyone who has got in touch to tell me they are enjoying the site. Unlike other sites this one will be updated regularly.

I've had several requests to add a Guest Book but this is not something that I'll be doing any time soon. Doing so would only leave the site open to abuse as there are too many people who have nothing better to do than cause problems. 

I've just been informed that Northenden now has it's very own £1 Shop. Not sure if this is a good thing or not, especially since Quidds In is just a few shops away. How about something else and I don't mean another bank or bloody burger joint!

Photograph of the Week

Credit this this photo go to a dear friend of mine, W. Morris.

Old bus outside Church Inn

Monday, 14 May 2012


Welcome to the number 1 Northenden site on the internet.

This site will be regularly updated and will feature everything you need to know about Northenden!

Northenden was a small village in North Cheshire on the borders of Lancashire built on the south banks of the River Mersey. It was taken into Manchester on April 1st 1931, and has seen many changes since then, with the building of vast council estates and some light industrial development. It is now a popular and sought after place to live.
Please Note that this site is not connected with W. Morris or any other organisation or individual, it is owned by P. Renshaw.