Sunday, 13 November 2016

A New Era?

Hello dear readers,

It looks like this is now the only Northenden site on the Internet!

There was another inferior one, but it seems to have closed down recently. The webmaster is an old friend of mine, but he hasn't replied to my email asking why. If your reading this, please get in touch urgently!

Of course running a website is very hard work and in fact, for John and I, it is a full time job, which takes up all of our time. I will contact the webmaster again, as they had quite a few photographs which they may be willing to let us use on our site. Obviously not all of them are good enough to grace our fabulous tribute to Northenden, but a couple of them were pretty decent.

In the meantime, heres a photograph from our members area from my extensive collection.

Copyright 2016 - The Peter Renshaw Collection. All Rights Reserved.

We have some very exciting news to share with you on our main site, but to give our non-subscribers a head-start, I'll be returning to The Motherland very soon for another appearance (Probably at the Post House). Provisionally called "Peter Renshaw - At Christmas". It will feature exclusive Northenden photographs with a Christmas/Winter theme taken from my extensive private collection and of course a question and answer session.

Tickets will be priced at just £35 which includes a glass of water and a mince pie. I'm sure you'll agree that this represensts excellent value for money and demand will be high. If you're interested in attending this epic event, contact John via the usual Social Media channels.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

2016 Update

Hello dear readers,

I'd like to formally apologise to our readers of this site for a lack of updates. It's not that we have forgotten about you, but we've been working on other projects and of course our main website, which I know some of you have already signed up for.

We will be running another "Coffee with Peter" event within the next couple of months at Mamma Bear's in the village. The last three have sold out so if you'd like to put your name down for the next one, you'll need to be quick. Email me for more information and we'll add an update to the main site fairly soon.

John and I paid a visit to the Motherland last week and we passed what was the Tatton Arms. What a lovely place that used to be! I imagine they'll turn it in another block a flats. What a waste! Here's a picture from my private collection of the Tatton Arms in its former glory.

Copyright Peter Renshaw Group. All rights reserved.
In other news we seem to have some great new restaurants in the village, which is always nice. Makes a change from the kebab shops we used to be overrun with! As some of you know, John Foster is a trained gourmet chef and therefore knows a thing or two about good food. From February onwards, John will be starting a restaurant review column on our main website. So, if there's a local restaurant that you've not been to and have wanted to try, let us know and we'll pay them a vist and John will give his expert feedback.

That's all for now, John and I are going out to eat.


Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Exciting News!!!!

Thank you for all your support regarding my last post about the Launch Party. I know a lot of you were disappointed that you couldn't get to join us in our suite at The Savoy in London. We hope to organise another launch Party at The Post House sometime before Christmas - I know the book is already out but I know my fans want one nearer to home.

Anyway, that isn't the exciting news I wanted to tell you about. What I'm about to say will blow your minds! A dear, long-time friend of mine and John's has another website devoted to Northenden. And tomorrow John will be spending the day with him at a secret location somewhere in the village where he has kindly agreed to let us use his huge collection of Northenden photographs on our website too. The contract will be signed tomorrow morning, but I wanted to let our loyal fans know this most exciting piece of news before anyone else. Until the contract is signed, sealed and delivered I can't reveal his real name, but it is an Anagram of "Romwirs".

We have been in negotiation with him for over a decade and he has very generously allowed us full rights on his collection.

That's all for now, you'll be seeing a sneak peak on some of the amazing photographs very soon.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Launch Party

Me & John at the launch (note our faces
have been masked to protect our privacy)
Last Thursday was the launch party for my book in London. Thank you to everyone who came along - your support is as always appreciated.

To those who missed it, I apologise not being able to announce it on this website, but it was advertised on our main website, so we thought most of you would have known about it.

The reason it wasn't mentioned here was due to a malicious hacking attempt on this very site by (no doubt) some sick-minded b@st@rds who have nothing better to do with their time than try to gain access to my website. John spent all weekend increasing the security, so this will not happen again!

Anyway, I digress. To those who didn't make the launch, I'm pleased to say I am now accepting orders via this website (or our main one), whichever you prefer. If you PayPal me  £19.95 + £3 postage (UK addresses only!), I'll get one in the post - well, John will be the one running that side of the business. If you'd like me to sign it, please add an extra £2 to cover my time.

The book itself looks wonderful and Hector has done a marvelous job with this and we're sure you'll all agree.  Unfortunately, we couldn't come to a mutually acceptable agreement with Amazon, so you can't get a copy from there just yet. But John and I will be meeting with Amazon representatives in London in early November.  For the time being you can only get these directly from me, Our dear friend, Simon Mephistopheles, who is a retired literary agent, is working hard trying to get some other stockists interested in supplying my masterpiece and we'll let you know more in due course. We fully expect A Journey To The Motherland: My Love Affair with Northenden, to be an instant best seller.

Anyway, that's all for now - don't forget to visit the main site, as that's where I'll be concentrating my efforts for the foreseeable future.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Amazing News!!!!!!

Apologies, dear reader for the delay, but John and I have been very busy. For the past year, we've been working non-stop on my book, which has been a dream for decades.

We are currently out of the country on business, but we've just received a proof of the cover from the printers and couldn't wait to share it with my fans.

Although we're still at the editing stage, the book is not far off. We've been told it should be out in October.

Amazon (UK) will be stocking it as will certain branches of Waterstones. We're also hoping to be wholesaling some copies to smaller, local, independent book shops, so if you know of any that might be interested, please let me know.

The book will feature a history of Northenden from as far back as records began, up to the present-day. It will also feature 195 exclusive photographs, most of which have never been seen before. Some have been in smaller booklets and on websites, etc, but Salamander Publishing have obtained permission from the copyright holders, so we can bring them to a wider audience.

We are currently waiting to hear back from WH Smiths and if they are willing to take some copies, John and I are hoping to appear at some of their shops in the North West doing signing sessions. But we'll update you on this when we have more news.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

The Northenden Sessions

I'm pleased to announce a brand new experience/concept I like to call The Northenden Sessions. Its premiere will take place at The Britannia Airport Hotel (formerly The Post House) on Saturday 14th September 2013, but I will be presenting this unique experience across the country in the autumn.

It's an evening of two parts: The first of which will be an exhibition of my private collection of Northenden photographs, some are being shown for the very first time. These will be professionally displayed and promises to be a true "art gallery experience" the likes of which have never been seen outside London.

The second part will be a fascinating talk on the history of Northenden including some highly amusing anecdotes from my childhood. As the world's leading authority on Northenden, this is guaranteed to be unlike anything you've ever heard and I promise you'll be enthralled from start to finish!

To conclude my dear friend (and protege) John Foster will be conducting a question and answer session, where I'll be happy to answer any Northenden related question you may have, in my own inimitable style.

There will also be an opportunity to purchase some exclusive prints from my collection. Each one is numbered and signed and is guaranteed to become a collectors item. They will not be "cheap", but represent excellent value to the proud Northendenite and collector alike.

Demand for these tickets will be very high indeed, so if you're interested in attending, you must register your interest now. Tickets are just £35 each (sorry no concessions) and are strictly limited. A percentage of each sale will go to The Peter Renshaw Foundation.

The Northenden Sessions are also perfect for Round Table, Rotary Club, Lions, Masonic, etc, evenings/meetings so if you're interested please ask your secretary to contact my tour manager, John Foster who will be happy to help you.

I'm very excited about this new venture and look forward to meeting my fans and as ever, I'll be happy to sign autographs after the event has finished. I'd like to say a special "thank you" to John Foster for helping me turn my dream in to a reality.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

** Newsflash ** Newsflash ** Newsflash **

We have been contacted by another local Northenden site and hope to soon enter into a negotiation phase which will bring good news for our readers. If things go as planned it is going to be exciting times ahead for Northendites. Watch this space....

Additionally due to the immense success of last years 'An Evening with Peter Renshaw' I plan to do a repeat event sometime over the next month. Demand for tickets is once again expected to be high and I regret that the entrance price this year will rise to £25 per person (limited to two tickets per household) but this years event will include a pint and curry which I'm sure you'll agree represents excellent value. My good friend John will once again be present as I know many of you enjoyed chatting with him last time. Once again watch this space for details on this upcoming event....