Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Amazing News!!!!!!

Apologies, dear reader for the delay, but John and I have been very busy. For the past year, we've been working non-stop on my book, which has been a dream for decades.

We are currently out of the country on business, but we've just received a proof of the cover from the printers and couldn't wait to share it with my fans.

Although we're still at the editing stage, the book is not far off. We've been told it should be out in October.

Amazon (UK) will be stocking it as will certain branches of Waterstones. We're also hoping to be wholesaling some copies to smaller, local, independent book shops, so if you know of any that might be interested, please let me know.

The book will feature a history of Northenden from as far back as records began, up to the present-day. It will also feature 195 exclusive photographs, most of which have never been seen before. Some have been in smaller booklets and on websites, etc, but Salamander Publishing have obtained permission from the copyright holders, so we can bring them to a wider audience.

We are currently waiting to hear back from WH Smiths and if they are willing to take some copies, John and I are hoping to appear at some of their shops in the North West doing signing sessions. But we'll update you on this when we have more news.


  1. Hi Peter that is wonderful news. I will be first in line to buy a copy.

    Well done to you and John. This is a book I've been waiting years to see.

  2. Peter you're a genius. I can't wait for this!!!
